Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Mackenzie Towne

so Bob pulled me aside today.
he says:
"Thom, uh, you know Mackenzie? zhey're lookink for a new manager. you vant ze job? i vill talk to Christina [District Manager] for you if you vant."

good gravy! i've been working for the store for a little over four months and Bob wants to give me my own store!
i declined of course, but i thought it was blog-worthy

1 comment:

  1. Thom,

    i hate to be this guy...well actually i love being this guy. actually i just excited in a very perverse way. Thom, it is not MACKenzie Towne..it is MCKenzie Towne. and no i did not forget a word in between 'just' and 'excited'...just trying to keep up with your little language. Spankings will result. that is all.
