So we had employed this DOUCHE of a guy Gabe. Bob did eventually fire him thanks to my persuasion. after GAYbe was gone, he emailed a letter to Bob and Cc'd the District Manager. Bob printed it off for us all to laugh it is:Regarding my Dismissal,
It's unfortunate Bob that it has come to my dismissal from the Liquor Depot in Altadore due to what you term as 'attitude'. All I wanted was a fair shake, and the ability to work the hours as they are posted week to week. I feel that my removal from your staff was something that you have hoped for for a while now, due to the many ideas I presented to you that you could not comprehend, and using the schedule as a tool to bring this about is pretty low, as you have shown in the past with previous employees.
Please note that all I ever wanted in the Liquor Store was to make it better. Customers, in any business, have always been my number one priority and ensuring the bottom line is met and the brand enhanced for stockholders is always on my mind. But as you said, you only care about that location, if in fact you care at all. The amount of dust in the store made me wonder sometimes.
Many times I have approached you with ideas to increase awareness and productivity, that have been turned down by you, and two really stick out.
1) We asked for a sign in the empty spot on the Supplier logo wall pointing to the correct door for the beer cooler and your answer was that "90% of the customers know where the cooler is" and to me, that is unacceptable, because the goal of any business should be %100 satisfaction. A piece of bristol board is 3 bucks and a few mins to make a sign could have ensured that the customers don't have to worry about anything except Getting What They Came For. But to you, 90% is good, and I apologize I cannot agree with that.
2) Labour costs are usually the number one cost behind any entity and counting inventory is a large part of that in the LSGP chain. Watching your employees who have been with you for months spend most of the night counting one section led me to offer you a quick cheat sheet type system that would have cut hours from this process and could have been applied to the whole chain, yet you flat out turned it down, citing "I know where every bottle is in this store." That's great that you do, but for the most part, most of your employees don't have that knowledge, and that leads to them calling you at 8pm because they can't find something. When they are spending most of their time counting sections that the Loss Prevention Manual clearly states is a Managerial duty, this takes away from other tasks, such as prepping, cleaning and stocking.
I'm sorry Bob, but it's not about you. It's about the LSGP and the customers who provide the revenue to make it a continued success, and I will continue with that attitude wherever I work.
PS. Some of us had talked about the possibility of some overnight hours to give the store the thorough cleaning and re-arranging that would make it better, so please consider that. The floor needs to be waxed and buffed and the display boxes moved to clean under them, as some of them haven't been moved in a long time and things are growing behind them.
PPS I know it really bothered you when I talked about Social Media and how it could be applied to LSGP to showcase the brand. I'm sorry that I ever brought it up.